Take notes as you do your research. As the Chinese proverb says, The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory.
- Start a document where you take notes and paste the link where you found the resource. This will make it easier when completing your bibliography later on.
- Read through your notes and summarise the information in your own words.
- Don’t ask questions when doing a Google search.
- Watch the video below for some helpful tips.
After choosing a product, we will use SWOT analysis. This is a way to compare different products related to the product or service that we want to design. SWAT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Analysing existing products is the basis for creating a successful product of our own. Consider the elements from the perspective of a product developer and customer. Look at the questions below when completing your SWAT analyses. You do not need to answer all of the questions, but let them guide you in your analyses.
Opportunities:What opportunities can you see for this product in the future? If you look at the product’s strengths, do they offer any opportunities?
opportunities can come from such things as:
Threatsinclude external factors, like changes in safety policy, or air quality standards and are things that are often outside our control.